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Membership rules

View the membership rules in the PDF file and, when registering remember to check the box (under 'account') indicating that you agree to these rules.
Membership portal is only available in DUTCH!

Privacy policy members

The ECHA committee is responsible for processing personal data following the requirements of the GDPR. However, we are not responsible for the work and publications of non-member holders of an ECHA diploma. We expect members to adhere to the code of conduct.

We collect personal data for the sole purpose of effectively managing our Association and responding to any requests for help. We use your personal data to call or email you and within the context of network activities. We only share personal data with third parties if necessary for matters agreed upon by members, such as membership of ECHA Europe.

It is always possible to view, correct or delete your personal data via your account on this website.

Please also read our general Privacy Policy.

Contact the ECHA network